Thursday , 2 May 2024

Iran continues to be rocked by protests, and the COVID crisis – Iran continues to be rocked by protests, the COVID crisis caused by Khamenei’s ban of the American and British vaccines, and the inauguration of the criminal Ebrahim Raisi as the Islamic Republic’s new president.

The people of Iran are suffering under unimaginable pressure from the regime and its brutality. At NUFDI, we are doing everything we can to bring their cries and their voices to leaders here in Washington, DC.

As a part of that mission, last week, NUFDI hosted a special briefing for the international media, think tanks, and Congressional staffers to tell them what is happening in Iran. We brought the voice of the Iranian people directly to them.
HIH Reza Pahlavi joined us as our honored guest and briefed the attendees on events in Iran. He called on them to stand with the Iranian people and to shed light on their struggle for democracy and freedom.

FDD Senior Fellow Alireza Nader and NUFDI Policy Director Cameron Khansarinia also spoke at the event and briefed attendees on the protesters’ demands. Read more about the event here.

Also played at the event was the below video produced by NUFDI.
What is Happening in Iran? NUFDI Explains.
We are working to make the voices of our compatriots heard here in Washington, but we can’t do it alone. Every dollar of support helps us put on more events and produce more videos like this. Will you consider supporting our work?
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Thank you. With your generosity, we can continue to share the voice of freedom-loving Iranians and Iranian-Americans in Washington.

Dr. Saeed Ganji
President and Chairman