Monday , 6 May 2024

Judge threatens political prisoner with death penalty one year after his arrest

Iran-HRM – Political prisoner Majid Khademi was threatened with death by the judge in his case.

Political prisoner Majid Khademi

A year after his arrest the 29-year-old political prisoner is still being held in uncertain conditions in Behbahan Prison. He is also denied access to contact with his family.

He was arrested in late 2019 following the nationwide fuel price protests in Behbahan in Iran’s Khuzestan province.

For two months, he was under pressure, interrogation, and various tortures by the IRGC and intelligence agents.

Political prisoner Majid Khademi was arrested and interrogated on charges such as “acting against national security”, “destroying public property”, “destroying banks and setting fire to public and government places”, “insulting Khamenei” and “communicating with the PMOI and dissident groups”.

His lawyer has not been allowed to access his case and he only had access to the sections authorized by the Ministry of Intelligence.

according to a knowledgeable source the judge in the case threatened him with death and told him that he would be sentenced to death.

The Behbahan Intelligence Service and the Revolutionary Guards have pressured Khademi’s family not to speak to the media.

Majid Khademi was not even allowed to be released on bail until his case was assigned.

His family has been told that he cannot be released from prison even on bail.

ran Human Rights Monitor calls on the UN Secretary-General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, and other human rights organizations to pressure the Iranian regime to allow an international delegation to visit Iranian prisons and meet with political prisoners.