Sunday , 5 May 2024

Baluch Prisoner Mansour Ghazagh Executed in Birjand

Iran Human Rights (IHR) – IHR previously reported that two prisoners sentenced to death on drug-related charges had been executed at Birjand Central Prison on February 13. Newly obtained information shows that three people were executed at the prison on that day.

Baluch Prisoner Mansour Ghazagh Executed in Birjand

According to IHR’s previous report (, Baluch prisoners, Jamaladdin Barahouyi and Mohammad Barahouyi were executed on drug-related charges in Birjand Central Prison on February 13. Newly obtained information by IHR shows that another Baluch prisoner, on death row for drug-related charges, was also executed at the prison on that day.

The identity of the third prisoner has been established as Mansour Ghazagh, a Zahedan resident, who had been on death row on drug-related charges for the last two years.

According to Resanak, which first published news of the executions, Mansour Ghazagh’s body has been returned to his family, who buried him the next day.

At the time of writing, none of the Baluch men’s executions have been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.

According to data gathered by Iran Human Rights, at least 24 Baluch prisoners were executed in Mashhad, Zahedan, Isfahan and Birjand Central Prisons over the past two months (since 19 December 2020), with five executed on political and security charges.

There has been a dramatic drop in drug-related executions since a new article was added to the Anti-Drugs Law around three years ago. The amendment, which was passed into law in 2017, specifically restricts the death penalty and provides a degree of reduction in some drug-related cases.