Monday , 6 May 2024

Catastrophic quality of food and drinking water in Great Tehran Penitentiary

Iran-HRM – Reports from the Great Tehran Penitentiary indicate that the food quality in that prison is catastrophic. Prisoners cannot even eat the food. Recently, the food usually does not contain any meat, but when it does, it has a bad color and odor. Prisoners in the GTP say it might be the meat of dead animals. The cooks put too much salt or pepper in the food to overcome the bad taste of meat.

At the same time, the amount of food is too little and inmates are always hungry. The amount of stew given to each prisoner is one or one and a half spoons.

The water in always cold. Prisoners have to boil water in pots in order to be able to take a bath.

The drinking water is salty and inmates have to purchase drinking water. Recently, the prison’s store has brought cans of water called Ab-Govara and sells them for 3,000 Tomans each. But even this water is salty and not purified. Apparently the cans are filled with the same water from that area and sold to prisoners.