Monday , 6 May 2024

Mohammad Nazari; 23 Years of Imprisonment Without Proper Medical Treatment

HRANA News Agency – Mohammad Nazari, ill political prisoner in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, who has spent nearly 23 years of his life in prison, despite prison doctors’ request, faces opposition from the judiciary to send him to the hospital. On the other hand, during the last few days, this prisoner’s request for parole was refused.

Mohammad NazariAccording to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Mohammad Nazari, political prisoner in Rajai Shahr prison, who suffers from heart disease and lumbar disc, has been imprisoned since nearly twenty-three years without leave and in lack of medical care in prison.

An informed source, regarding this ill prisoner’s condition, told HRANA’s reporter: “According to the specialist, Mr. Nazari should be sent to the hospital. So far, the prison and health authorities have requested the permission, from judicial authorities, to send him to the hospital, for several times, but the judiciary has disagreed.”

This informed source continued: “Also, the prosecutor has rejected his request for parole”.

It should be noted that Mohammad Nazari son of Hamdullah, born in 1971, was arrested in Bukan, on charge of cooperating with one of the Kurdish opposition parties, in 1994 and in an ambiguous judicial process, was sentenced to life time imprisonment. Mr. Nazari earlier had stated that his conviction was based on a false confession which was obtained under torture.

Mr. Nazari could not get the advantage of medical leave, despite his problems, caused by his physical problems. He is currently in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj, serving his sentence of imprisonment in exile.