Friday , 3 May 2024

IOPHR Condemns the Iranian Regime’s lack of support for striking workers.

Shabtabnews – In a new statement the International Organisation to Preserve Human Rights  (IOPHR) expressed support for striking workers  of employees of Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Cultivation Industrial Company, who are simply striking to get paid their overdue wages. The statement also invited “all human rights activists around the world, especially Iranians living abroad, to contact the labour organizations of their place of residence, and through explaining the legitimate demands of Iranian citizens, attract the backing, and solidarity of trade unions around the world in the support of the Iranian people.”

The statement also stated that the “Islamic Republic’s failure to comply with the minimum legitimate demands of its citizens automatically undermines the “legitimacy” of the current regime in Iran. Consequently, the current Iranian regime should by no means be considered the real representative of the Iranian people on the world stage.”

IOPHR further warned the “the leaders of the ruling regime in Iran to closely monitor all their actions, and given that the legal responsibility for protecting the strikers lies with the security forces. For the Iranian regime should be aware that any faults, or negligence in this relationship, will no doubt be immediately reported in detail to the relevant international community.”

Full statement can be seen below: