Friday , 28 June 2024

Iran Overturns Rapper Toomaj Salehi’s Death Sentence

Iranwire – Iran’s Supreme Court has overturned the death sentence of protest rapper Toomaj Salehi, according to his lawyer, Amir Raisian. 

The case will now be referred to another court branch for further review.

“In a precise verdict, the Supreme Court not only overturned the death sentence but also affirmed that even the previous sentence of six years and three months stands at odds with Article 131 and the rules of multiplicity of charges,” Raisian clarified.

In mid-May, Raisian announced the registration of his appeal to the Supreme Court, stating, “One day after this announcement about the initial verdict against my client, prison officials banned Salehi from making phone calls and even imposed restrictions on in-person visits.”

In April, a Revolutionary Court in Isfahan sentenced Salehi to death for “corruption on Earth.” 

Salehi was initially arrested in October 2022 after voicing support for the nationwide Woman, Life, Freedom protests that had erupted the previous month. 

He released songs criticizing the government and supporting the protests demanding more freedoms and women’s rights. 

He also posted pictures and videos of himself during the demonstrations.

In July 2023, a court sentenced the artist to six years and three months for “corruption on Earth.” 

He was released on bail on November 18 after the Supreme Court, responding to an appeal, found “flaws in the original sentence” and returned the case to a lower court for re-examination and possible retrial. 

Salehi was returned to jail less than two weeks later to face new charges after publicly discussing his torture in prison in a video.