Wednesday , 19 June 2024

Baluch Citizen Beaten and Arrested at Zahedan Checkpoint

Iranwire – A Baluch citizen was reportedly beaten with firearms and arrested by military forces at a checkpoint in Zahedan on Thursday after protesting disrespectful treatment during an inspection.

A Baluch citizen was reportedly beaten with firearms and arrested by military forces at a checkpoint in Zahedan on Thursday after protesting disrespectful treatment during an inspection

Sources state that the Baluch man, who was traveling in a car with his family, objected to the insulting behavior of military officers conducting checks at the Zahedan terminal checkpoint.

In response, he was dragged from the vehicle in front of his wife and children, severely beaten, insulted, and then taken away.

“No matter how much the wife and young child of this Baluch citizen wailed and shouted to stop him from being beaten by the military forces, they did not succeed,” said an eyewitness.

“They only shouted that he is innocent and has not committed any crime. The officers did not pay attention and then took him away without any reason.”

The man’s identity and current status remain unknown.

The alleged incident comes amid reports of intensified security measures and public anger over mistreatment by forces in the province following the 2022 deadly crackdown on nationwide protests.

Zahedan, the capital of Sistan and Baluchistan, is home to Iran’s Sunni Baluch minority of up to 2 million people.

The restive city has seen protest rallies almost every Friday since September 30, 2022, when security forces killed nearly 100 people in the deadliest incident in the nationwide demonstrations.