Saturday , 4 May 2024

Has there been a divorce between Russia and Iran?

Al-Arabia – Has American President Donald Trump, who is an expert in business, reached a meeting point in terms of the Syrian dilemma with “pragmatic” Russian President Vladimir Putin at the expense of the destructive Iranian role?

There are hints to that. Al-Hayat daily quoted a western diplomatic source as saying that the American administration will negotiate with Moscow on a complete Iranian withdrawal from Syria. The daily added that the topic will be among the top priorities of the summit which will be held next month between Trump and Putin.

Ever since the Russian-Iranian “alliance” against the interests of Arabs – or most Arabs – emerged, it seemed like one day they will reach this crossroads.

Old and recent history narrates a record of enmities between Iran and Russia during the Czar’s rule in Russia and the Soviet era. There are still lands in the north, which the Iranian subconscious political mind still thinks was stolen from Iran’s territories

Mashari Althaydi

Collapsing relationship

Regarding Russia, there are no pure religious ideological illusions behind its intervention in Syria. It’s just a frank intervention and not a religious, vengeful one with expansion aims like the case is with the strange Khomeini regime.

Iranian MP Behrooz Bonyadi, who represents Kashmar, perhaps expressed this when he warned of the consequences of Syrian-Russian rapprochement at Iran’s expense and said the two countries were sacrificing Iran, as he put it.

OPINION: Will Russia accept Putin’s victories?

Bonyadi said during the Islamic Consultative Assembly’s public session: “Today, we see Assad increasing his harmony with Putin (in such) a rude way,” adding that Assad does not only underestimate the significance of the “martyrs of the shrines” in Syria, but also denies it.

The term “martyrs of the shrines” which Bonyadi used sums up the nature and the perception of the Khomeini invasion of Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Old and recent history narrates a record of enmities between Iran and Russia during the Czar’s rule in Russia and the Soviet era. There are still lands in the north, which the Iranian subconscious political mind still thinks was stolen from Iran’s territories.

Amir Taheri, who is an expert in Iranian affairs and history, has written several rich opinions in this daily about the nature of historical relations between Russia and Iran and they are a good source of knowledge.

ALSO READ: Is Lebanon on its own, or with Iran?

Back to the angry Iranian MP Behrooz Bonyadi who drew a bleak picture of the current Iranian scene and spoke about “corruption, prostitution, hypocrisy, child molestation, wife beating, rape in schools and Quran classes, sale of kidneys and other shameful acts.”

The question is when will the great divorce between Iran and Syria happen in the Syrian arena? What happened to “the most honorable people and the purest people” who follow Hassan Nasrallah when Bashar waves goodbye to them, the Russian way?

This article is also available in Arabic.

Saudi journalist Mashari Althaydi presents Al Arabiya News Channel’s “views on the news” daily show “Maraya.” He has previously held the position of a managing senior editor for Saudi Arabia & Gulf region at pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat. Althaydi has published several papers on political Islam and social history of Saudi Arabia. He appears as a guest on several radio and television programs to discuss the ideologies of extremist groups and terrorists. He tweets under @MAlthaydy.