Human rights

Labor activists detained for peaceful activities

Iran-HRM - Labor activists Asal Mohammadi and Hirad Pirbodaghi have been detained for their peaceful activities in defense of workers’…

Human Rights Violations: European Union Gives Iran’s Mullahs Full Impunity

gatestoneinstitute.org - To execute political prisoners, Iran's judiciary accuses defendants of vaguely defined charges labeled as "national security crimes." These…

Aban Tribunal: Security Forces’ Hired Thugs Executed After Missions

iranwire - Criminals conscripted by the Iranian regime to provoke riots during civilian protests are "executed" after they have exhausted…

Aban Tribunal: Troops Stalked Hospitals, Cemeteries After November 2019 Killings

Iranwire - On the third day of the Aban Tribunal, those present heard harrowing testimonies not just about the scale of…

Iran Tribunal Organizers Say Tehran Threatens to Partially Suspend Upcoming Nuclear Talks

VOA - Human rights activists holding a tribunal in London to investigate Iran's deadly suppression of protests in 2019 say…

Iran intelligence embarks on a spree of arrests in Baneh, Kurdistan

Iran-HRM - Agents of the Ministry of Intelligence have launched a spree of arrests of the residents of Baneh, in…

Two Arrested During Nationwide Protests Calling for Better Education

Iranwire - Two teachers have been arrested in Tehran during nationwide rallies calling for better education and for the rights of educators…

Christian Converts Jailed in Bushehr

Iranwire - Two Christian converts have been ordered to start serving prison sentences in Bushehr, southwestern Iran. Article 18, a London-based…

Aban Tribunal: Shock Day 2 Testimonies Reveal Scope of State Violence

Iranwire - Young Iranians, shot in the heads and necks by police firing birdshot and live ammunition. Children hauled out…

Prisoners are dealt with as slaves in the Central Prison of Karaj

Iran-HRM - Prisoners are dealt with as slaves by the authorities of the Central Prison of Karaj, said a prisoner released…