US: Low Iran Election Turnout Another Sign of ‘Discontent’

VOA - The United States said Monday that the low turnout in Iran's election came as no surprise and was…

Michael Earhart

US Condemns Sentencing of Grammy-Winning Iranian Singer Hajipour

VOA - The United States on Monday condemned the sentencing of an Iranian singer who won a Grammy Award in…

Michael Earhart

Iran’s Oil Funds Genocide

gatestoneinstitute.org - History is filled with the terrible retribution inflicted on America's foes when those enemies underestimate the United States.…

Michael Earhart

Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran- 2023

iranhr.net - The 16th Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran, by Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO) and Together Against…

Michael Earhart

West avoids seriously confronting Iran as IAEA meet begins

Al-Arabia - A quarterly meeting of the UN nuclear watchdog’s main policy-making body began on Monday with Western powers again…

Michael Earhart

Iran Halts Music Fest As It Teases Diaspora Singer’s Return

iranintl - While the Iranian Foreign Ministry teased Iranians with "good news" of an LA-based singer's potential return from exile,…

Michael Earhart

Iran’s Government Delays Wage Negotiations With Workers

iranintl - With only 17 days remaining in the current Iranian year, the country’s Supreme Labor Council has yet to…

Michael Earhart

Blank Votes And Infighting Show Khamenei’s Waning Influence

iranintl - Two significant trends mark the orchestrated 2024 elections in Iran: the notable significance of invalid or blank votes…

Michael Earhart

Iranian Border Forces Shoot Another Kurdish Kolbar as Attacks Rise

Iranwire - Iranian border forces in the western Kurdistan province have fatally shot another Kurdish kolbar amid an escalation of…

Michael Earhart

Iranian Teacher Arrested for “Illegal Gathering” at Mahsa Amini’s Grave

Iranwire - Authorities in the Islamic Republic have arrested Soleiman Abdi, a teacher and member of the Iranian Teachers' Union…

Michael Earhart