Science and Technology

Iran Reportedly Orders Operators To Block Signal Messaging App

Iranwire - The Iranian monthly Peivast is reporting that Iran has blocked the private encrypted messaging application Signal, ordering mobile operators to…

Joint Statement: Iran should base COVID-19 vaccine decisions on science

HRW - In light of thestatement by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on January 8, 2021, that the Islamic Republic…

2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize

iop.org - Professor Nader Engheta’s trailblazing contributions to the physics of light-matter interactions have been monumental. He has introduced and…

Monopoly of the Guards: How Does a Military Organization Control the Iranian Tech Sector?

Iranwire - It began as a rumor but has now been confirmed: according to Iran’s own official media, Emad Edward…

Iran works on uranium metal for reactor fuel

aljazeera.com - Iran has started work on uranium metal-based fuel for a research reactor, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog and…

The Double Standards and Hypocrisy of Social Media Giants

gatestoneinstitute.org - What, however, about Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who constantly tweets anti-Semitic and incendiary tweets and whose…

Iranian Doctors Urge the Government to Stop Politicizing the Vaccine

Iranwire - Two days after Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei banned the purchase of American and British vaccines, the heads of…

Six Iranian Hackers on FBI’s Most Wanted List

Iranwire -The FBI has released the names of three Iranians who have been placed on its wanted list in connection with hacking and…

Jab Wanted: Iranians’ Fears Skyrocket That They Won’t Get Access To COVID-19 Vaccines

RFL/RE - Amid the launch of mass COVID-19 vaccination drives in the West, there’s growing concern among Iranians that they…

Official Study Reveals the Regime’s Fear of Social Media

Iranwire.com - In a newly published study, a journal affiliated with the National Defense University examines the views held by…