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Who Supports Hamas?

gatestoneinstitute.org - Many of the protests that now demand a unilateral ceasefire -- including the attempts to shut down Christmas…

This Was Mine: Disputes as Old as History

org - Trying to grab a piece of someone else's land has always been a favorite trick by rulers in…

Three Things the Biden Administration Must Do Now to Stop Iran’s Mullahs

gatestoneinstitute.org - If the Biden administration thought that by rescuing Iran's economy, which had hit bottom, and removing the Houthis…

IHRNGO Warns of More Drug Executions; 1000+ Awaiting Gallows in One City According to MP

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO) - In a video interview, Yahya Ebrahimi, the Delfan MP said: “Around 1000 to 2000 young…

Iran: Risk of protest-related executions amid killing spree

Amnesty - At least five individuals in Iran are under sentence of death in connection with the “Woman Life Freedom”…

Iran’s Climate Migration Crisis Could Turn Into National ‘Disaster’

RFL/RE - Record temperatures, prolonged droughts, and the drying up of rivers and lakes are displacing tens of thousands of…

Biden Administration Empowered Iran’s Terror Group, the Houthis

gatestoneinstitute.org - The Houthis have been fortunate to have, as a powerful patron and sponsor, Iran. Their backers in Tehran…

The World Is at War

gatestoneinstitute.org - [Senator JD] Vance has apparently not heard of World War II, which did not end with a negotiation…

Report: Human Rights Defenders in Iran 2023

iranhr.net - Over a year after the start of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, the plight of Iranian human rights…

The Terrifying Journey of an Iranian Woman Refugee from Türkiye to Greece

Iranwire - Homa, 42, has experienced the hardships of refugees and asylum seekers in Türkiye, where she endured 10 years…