U.S. drone enters Iran’s airspace, leaves after warning – Tasnim

Retuers - Iran's military detected a U.S. drone entering Iranian airspace on Monday and issued a warning for it to…

Michael Earhart

Iran Inaugurates Its Own Intranet

RFL/RE - Iran's official news agency reports the country has launched the first phase of its National Network of Data,…

Michael Earhart

Iran Deploys Russian Long-Range Missiles At Nuclear Site

RFL/RE - Iranian officials say they have deployed a new Russian-made long-range missile system to protect its Fordo nuclear facility.…

Michael Earhart

House of Khomeini and Mass Executions of 88

Radiozamaneh - Figures at various levels of the Islamic Republic continue to react to the release of audio files involving…

Michael Earhart

French Environment Minister Visits Iran, Announces Plans For Joint Projects

RFE/RL - French Environment Minister Segolene Royal has announced plans for a series of joint projects with Tehran that are aimed…

Michael Earhart

Iran Arrests a ‘Spy’ Who Helped Negotiate a Landmark Nuclear Deal

VOA - Iran has arrested a member of a team that played a role in negotiating a milestone nuclear agreement…

Michael Earhart

Weekly report on Human Right Violations in Iran 26th August 2016


Michael Earhart

Tough new conditions for concerts in Iran capital

Daily Mail - The Tehran prosecutor recommended strict new rules on Saturday for concerts in the capital, the latest in…

Michael Earhart

Death penalty failing to deter drug trafficking in Iran – official

Reuters - The death penalty has failed to reduce drug trafficking in Iran, a senior Iranian judiciary official said on…

Michael Earhart

Why cheaper rial could actually help Iran

Al-monitor - At present, Iran has both an official exchange rate and an unofficial market rate that is used in…

Michael Earhart