MazjobanNoor - Here a report by Majzooban Noor says that, following the deprivation and ban of the elders (Spiritual Masters) of…

Michael Earhart

Iran Says Women Who Are Infertile Or Have ‘Too Much Facial Hair’ Can’t Be Teachers

RFL/RE - If you're a woman and are infertile or have "too much facial hair" you can't become a teacher in…

Michael Earhart

Iranian Filmmaker Refuses to Honour State-Backed Film

Radiozamaneh - Following the twelfth presidential elections in the Islamic Republic, the history of Iran's post Revolutionary state and political figures…

Michael Earhart

One More Prisoner Hanged on Drug Charges / Sunni Prisoner May Be Hanged Any Moment

Iran Human Rights -A prisoner was hanged on drug charges, while a religious minority prisoner may be executed at any…

Michael Earhart

2 Prisoners Hanged – One for Drug Charges, the other for Moharebeh

Iran Human Rights  -One more prisoner was hanged on drug related charges, and a prisoner was hanged on security charges,…

Michael Earhart

Rouhani VP Reaffirms Promises to Mehdi Karroubi After Pushback by Judiciary

CHRI - Iranian Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri has publicly affirmed promises made by officials of the Rouhani government to detained political…

Michael Earhart

Iran urges IAEA to remain independent amid US pressure

Al-Monitor - Despite having done so already twice, albeit under severe pressure from his own Cabinet, US President Donald Trump has made his…

Michael Earhart

Education key battleground as Rouhani’s second term begins

Al-monitor - Iran's parliament opened negotiations on President Hassan Rouhani’s proposed second-term Cabinet on Aug. 15. That day, the re-elected moderate president said he had…

Michael Earhart

Isfahan’s Healthcare City aims to boost Iran’s medical tourism prospects

PayvandNews -The first phase of an enormous healthcare city was officially inaugurated in the city of Isfahan, central Iran, on…

Michael Earhart

Iran-Europe trade up 94% on year in first half of 2017

PayvandNews - Trade exchange between Iran and Europe increased 94 percent in the first half of 2017 from the same time…

Michael Earhart