Categories: Social and Political

Disqualified Reformist Challenges Guardian Council’s Decision

Iranwire – Several prominent figures disqualified from running in Iran’s upcoming presidential election have issued statements protesting their exclusion and demanding that the Guardian Council explain its decision-making process.

Eshaq Jahangiri, a reformist and former vice president in Hassan Rouhani’s administration, called his disqualification “incompatible with the fundamental rights of the nation” in a June 10 statement.

He urged the Guardian Council to publish the reasons for barring his candidacy.

Jahangiri demanded that the Council clarify why he was disqualified, saying there is a “serious demand” for the process to be made transparent.

In his statement, Jahangiri endorsed Masoud Pezeshkian as the only approved reformist candidate, praising him for his “honesty, courage, and clean hands in governance.”

Abbas Akhondi, a disqualified reformist candidate, also sent a letter protesting his exclusion, which he deemed lacking “legal aspects” and an “oppression and persecution” against himself and his political allies who had nominated him.

The vetting process by the hard-line Guardian Council has significantly narrowed the field ahead of the June 28 snap election called after the death of Ebrahim Raisi.

Meanwhile, Ali Larijani, another disqualified candidate, criticized the Council’s “non-transparent mechanism” in an open letter on June 10.

He said he had intended to run due to Iran’s “dangerous conditions,” including economic struggles and international tensions.