Month: April 2022

Iran’s supreme leader says stalled nuclear talks going well

Al-Monitor - During a speech to government officials today, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has final say on all…

As dialogue falters, Khamenei says ‘no possibility’ of Saudi victory in Yemen

Al-Monitor - Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei criticized Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen in a Twitter flurry Tuesday night. …

Iranian commander says death of all US leaders would not avenge Soleimani death

Al-Arabia - The killing of all American leaders would not be enough to avenge the US assassination of Iran’s Revolutionary…

‘I Didn’t Have A Childhood’: The Emotional Scars Of Iran’s Child Brides

RFL/RE - According to official Iranian statistics, there was a 32 percent increase in girls marrying between the ages of…

Narges Mohammadi: Activist Attacked by Twitter Trolls Over a Washington Post Interview

Iranwire - Yesterday Iran’s security forces raided the home of veteran activist Narges Mohammadi. She was arrested alongside the photographer…

Iran Demands That The Taliban Protect Diplomatic Posts After Consulate Attacked

RFL/RE - Iran has demanded that Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government do more to protect diplomatic posts after Afghan protesters pelted a consulate…

Tehran ‘Sanctions’ 24 More Americans

Iranwire - The government of the Islamic Republic continues to court ridicule by sanctioning American officials in a time when…

Air Pollution in Tehran: How Did This Happen?

Iranwire - Tehran was logged as the most polluted city in the world on Friday, with a “very unhealthy” average…

Iran: In death’s waiting room: Deaths in custody following deliberate denial of medical care in Iran’s prisons

amnesty - This briefing documents how Iranian officials are committing shocking violations of the right to life by deliberately denying…

GOP senators warn Biden against taking Iran’s IRGC off terror list

Al-Monitor A group of Republican senators warned President Joe Biden on Monday against lifting the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ terrorist…