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USCIRF condemns the upholding of death sentences against 7 Sunni Muslims in Iran

Shabtabnews – USCIRF condemns the upholding of death sentences against 7 Sunni Muslims in #Iran yesterday on charges of “emnity against God.” Iran must cease its ruthless persecution of religious minorities & immediately release all religious prisoners of conscience.

Branch 38 of the Iranian Supreme Court for a third time upheld the death sentences against seven Sunni political prisoners on September 10.

The Sunni inmates, Farhad Salimi, Qassem Absteh, Davood Abdollahi, Ayub Karimi, Anwar Khezri, Khosrow Besharat, and Kamran Sheikha, have been detained in Urmia, Evin, and Rajai Shahr prisons for 11 years. They had previously been sentenced to death in Branches 41 and 42 of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court accepted the appeal by the prisoners’ families and referred the case to Branch 38 for retrial.