Month: November 2019

A Country Jailed: “Internet Blackout Turns Iran into World’s Largest Prison”

Radiozamaneh - The Iran internet shutdown, which has left most Iranians without access to telecommunications, has left many people inside…

Iran: Deliberate Coverup of Brutal Crackdown

HRW – Iranian authorities are deliberately covering up the scale of the mass crackdown against protesters, Human Rights Watch said today. The…

“We Know Where You Live,” Iran Goes After Foreign-based Reporters

CHRI - Campaign of Intimidation Against Families of Journalists Intensifies in Wake of Protests Intelligence Agents Tell Families Reporters Will…

University Helped Build Sham Court Case against Young Student Activist, Source Reveals

CHRI - Parisa Rafiei Loses Her Last Legal Challenge to Seven-Year Sentence for Peaceful Protest Parisa Rafiei, the young student activist…

Iran: Two Men Hanged in Southern Iran

Iran Human Rights (IHR) - Two prisoners were executed at the central prison of the southern Iranian city of Bandar…

China Bids to Replace US Influence in the Middle East

gatestoneinstitute.org - In what could prove to be a serious challenge to the long-standing hegemony Washington has enjoyed in the…

How Iran’s protests could impact foreign policy

Al-Monitor - The Iranian administration’s controversial decision Nov. 15 to triple gasoline prices sparked protests across the country. Although the…

Iran lawmakers move to impeach three of Rouhani’s ministers

Al-Monitor - Days could be numbered for President Hassan Rouhani's ministers of oil, interior and education as he faces one tough…

Iranians endure internet shutdown with despair and disarray

atlanticcouncil.org - On November 16, 2019, the Iranian government shut down the Internet throughout the country following a decision to…

The Joint Responsibility Of Khamenei And Rouhani For Deaths Of Iran Protesters

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the Islamic Republic Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei bears the highest responsibility, followed by President…