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The pictures of tortured Sufis

Shabtabnews – Recently, pictures of some Sufi dervishes reached the BBC when they arrived at the Fashafiyev Prison, based on these images and testimony of a number of Sufis, they were “beaten” during their arrest and transfer to jail.

According to a BBC report, the Sufis, whose photos are featured in the report, were sentenced between two and seven years in prison, and some have been sentenced to two years in exile.

Mehdi Mahdi Loo, a tortured Sufi during the transfer to Fashafia Prison

“Death Trap was ready”

One of his points of detention and his transfer to the prison Mahdi Loo says: “We were surrounded by law enforcement and mobilization forces. The tear gas had covered all the area and we could hardly breathe. I climbed up the stairs so I could breathe. The corridors were full of smoke, I reached the roof. A group of Sufis and a number of women and their children also took refuge there. Police and Basij forces then attacked us. One of them wanted to  throw us down. They swore  the rashest curses against us. One by one they led us to the corridor of the building towards their Death Trap which was ready. With our iron bars, batons, knives and pans, they fell towards every single one of us. I was drowning in the blood on the stairs. In the courtyard of the building, they set to beat us, I then remember that they were asking above me whether we were alive or dead. I was then moved to the hospital. ”

“I was discharged from the hospital and got injured in the prison of Fashafiyeh (the Great Tehran), I stopped to get a photo card in front of the camera,” said the Sufi, pointing out that his arms and legs were closed to the bed with handcuffs in the hospital. I was told that us Sufis, we’ll be skinned. ”

Behnoud Rostami tortured Sufi during the transfer to the Fashafia Prison

“This is the final of the prisons and the bottom of the world,” says the Sufi about  the Fashafiyya Prison. I was transferred to the prison quarantine. I saw all of my injuries and blood, my eyes and body full of gunfire wounds, and filled with  pain, the bathroom was full of blood. We were not sent to the hospital we had to tie the stitches and pins with  tins with cans. ”

The Sufis emphasized that “the lack of facilities and the situation of the imprisonment was horrific, especially for ordinary prisoners, who were treated in a brutal manner by the guards and denied their basic rights.”

Inappropriate conditions for women

The prisoner’s dervishes are in jail

During the events of Golestan Seventh, a number of women were arrested. One of them is the blossoming of Yadollah who was injured during the arrest.

According to one of Dervas, Ms. Yadollahi, “due to these blows,” she has suffered  “fractures and lost her sense of smell due to lack of medical examination”.

Said Karimayee a Sufi who was tortured during his transfer to Fashafia Prison

Elham Ahmadi is another female prisoner in Dervishes who is detained along with the other female dervishes in Qarchak Prison. Ms. Ahmadi was sentenced to 148 lashes by a criminal court ruling due to the publication of a sound recording about the inappropriate situation of Qarchak Prison and, with the complaint of Qarchak Prison Chief, was sentenced to 148 lashes.

Amnesty International says that female prisoners in prison in Rey (Qarchak) are being abused and abandoned “essential medical care”.

Late last year, a clash between Sufis and the security forces and security forces took place on Pasdaran Street in Tehran. The Sufis wanted to prevent the forces from entering Dr Noor Ali Tabande’s home to the leader of the Sufis.

The conflict resulted in the killing of two Basijis and three policemen and the arrest of hundreds of Gonabadi Sufis, many of whom were injured by beatings. Mohammad Salas, one of his Sufis, was wrongly executed on charges of killing three law enforcement officers.

Amin Hosseini is another Sufi who was tortured while he was transferred to Fashafiyeh prison