Categories: Social and Political

Iranian pilgrims arrive in Medina, praise Saudi government for warm welcome

Al-Arabia – A number of Iranian pilgrims hailed the efforts made by the Saudi Arabian government to facilitate their journey to Hajj after they arrived in Medina on Tuesday night.

Pilgrims who arrived at the Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz International Airport spoke to the Saudi Press Agency about their experience and observations of the kingdom’s efforts in providing services for several pilgrims from different races, and nationalities to ensure their comfort.

Iranian pilgrim Hassan Tarabi expressed his appreciation of the warm welcome he received since his arrival at the airport and the facilitations made by passport control who contributed to the speedy entry of pilgrims. He added that water, flowers and gifts were distributed to all arriving pilgrims.

The official responsible for the Iranian envoy of pilgrims arriving from the city of Barzak also commended the reception and hospitality they received from their arrival at the airport, noting the variety of services and great treatment by all security and service officials at the airport.

Last Update: Wednesday, 1 August 2018 KSA 12:00 – GMT 09:00