Categories: Human rights

Iran: No Report On The Fate Of Young Gonabadi Dervish Protester, Kianoush Abbaszadeh

Iran-HRM – After 24 days, there are no reports of the whereabouts of Kianoush Abbaszadeh, a Dervish Gonabadi protester who was arrested in Tehran’s 7th Golestan St.

When the prisoner’s relatives refer to the prison to visit Kianoush they were told that he was taken outside the prison three weeks ago and his name has not currently been in the list of inmates.

Recently intelligence agents of the Revolutionary Guards Corps have mentally tortured Abbaszadeh’s mother, Dr. Nazila Nouri, who is detained in Qarchak Prison along with a number of other female Dervishes. She has been repeatedly informed of the bogus confessions that her son has made, being threatened that both of them will face heavy sentences. Agents have been trying to force her into making false confessions.

Before this, Kianoush Abbaszadeh’s family had no information on his condition in Shapour Police Station or Evin Prison’s Section 209 and only knew that the 21-year-old Dervish was being interrogated for days, tortured to make false confessions and that his life was in danger.

Kianoush Abbaszadeh made a minute-long call to his family on March 27, without even knowing where he had been detained.

A gathering on February 19, 2018, by Dervish Gonabadi protesters turned violent after police intervention. The Dervishes were protesting the detention of a Dervish Gonabadi and the lack of accountability by agents about where he was detained and charges made against him.

The State Security Force attacked the protesters, firing bird shots and tear gas and using batons. At least three Dervish Gonabadi protesters were killed and more than 600 were arrested.

Many protesters were severely injured by anti-riot units using pellet guns. Reports indicate many injured protesters have been arrested in hospitals by intelligence agents.

70 women arrested during the Dervish Gonabadi protests were transferred to Qarchak Prison, south east of the capital.