Month: February 2018

Iran plane crash: Wreckage, bodies found

PayvandNews - Search and rescue teams finally managed to find the wreckage of a plane that crashed into the Dena…

Security forces try to discredit the Gonabadi Dervishes by blaiming them for the death of 3 police officers

On the night of February 19th, at 18:38 CET, official new sites in Iran with the connection to Sepah release the news…

Explainer: Clashes Highlight Tensions Between Dervishes And Iran’s Establishment

RFL/RE - Fresh clashes between Iranian security forces and Gonabadi dervishes follow years of tensions and persecution of dervishes, whose houses of…

15 Year Old Boy Sentenced To Five Years Behind Bars For Tearing Down The Flag Of Iranian Regime

Iran-HRM - The Vice President of the Majlis Legal and Judicial Commission said that a 15 year old boy who…

Civil Rights Activist Parastou Forouhar Fights Six-Year Suspended Prison Sentence

CHRI - Civil rights activist Parastou Forouhar is awaiting the results of her appeal against a six-year suspended prison sentence issued to…

Kavous Seyed-Emami’s Family Lawyers Issue Statement Countering Smear Campaign Aired on State TV

CHRI - Two lawyers representing the family of recently deceased Kavous Seyed-Emami have issued a statement countering the claims made in a short film…

Iran’s Suppression of December 2017 Unrest Marked by Brutal Violations of Law

CHRI - New Briefing Details Beatings and Deaths of Detainees, Intimidation of Families, Denial of Due Process The state crackdown…

What Trump needs to know about Iranians

Al-Monitor - Ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the implicit goal of US strategy toward Tehran has with rare exception…

Shi’ite Shrine At Persepolis Sparks Row Over Iran’s Heritage

RFL/RE - With more than 10,000 religious shrines dotting Iran to mark where descendants of Shi'ite Islam's most revered imams…

Gonabadi Sufi Dervishes are continued to be violently attacked in what is already becoming known as the genocide of the Gonabadi Dervishes

The iron grip of the Security forces of Sepah in Iran is increasing as more and more reports are coming…