Month: December 2017

Iran, the Hejaz railway and the ‘ultimate deal’

aljazeera - An ambitious Israeli cabinet minister, a thrusting Saudi crown prince, a son-in-law of a US president and a…

Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas seek new strategy for resistance

Al-Monitor - Just a week after Hamas agreed to reconcile with rival Palestinian faction Fatah and curb its relationship with…

Politico: Obama’s Department of Justice Stalled Hezbollah Investigation to Secure Nuclear Deal with Iran

snopes - On 22 December 2017, news outlet Politico reported on the existence of a former covert Drug Enforcement Agency…

Iran Says No Final Decision Yet On British-Iranian Aid Worker

A senior Iranian judiciary official has dismissed reports that a detained British-Iranian aid worker sentenced to five years in jail…

Iran: Supreme Court Upheld Death Sentence For Juvenile Offender

Iran Human Rights -  Mohammad Kalhor, who murdered his physics teacher in class at age 15, is sentenced to death.…

Hundreds Arrested in Tehran During Yalda Winter Solstice Celebration

CHRI - Anti-vice police arrested more than 230 young men and women at two private parties in Tehran during the…

Iran’s Parliament Overwhelmingly Agrees to Begin Deliberating Disabilities Rights Bill

CHRI - With only two opposing votes, Iran’s Parliament has overwhelmingly passed the outlines of a bill designed to better…

Guardian Council Rejects Parliament’s Amended Law Allowing Religious Minorities to Run in Local Elections

CHRI - Six days after Iran’s Parliament passed an amendment reaffirming the right of minorities to run in local council…

Former VP Hamid Baghaei Says His 63-Year Prison Sentence Was Issued by Judiciary Chief as “Revenge”

CHRI - Former Iranian Vice President Hamid Baghaei has denounced his 63-year prison sentence, alleging it was issued in retaliation…

Evin Prison Medical Chief Denies Ali Shariati Specialist Care Despite Severe Symptoms

CHRI - Political prisoner Ali Shariati is being denied specialist medical treatment by Evin Prison’s medical chief Abbas Khani despite…