Categories: Human rights

The Forensics Voted on Ayatollah Nekounam’s Inability to Endure Imprisonment

HRANA News Agency – Forensics has voted for the third time on Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Nekounam’s inability to endure the imprisonment. Despite that vote, this patient prisoner remained in Saheli prison.  Denial of medical leave for Mr. Nekounam is while he has been, recently, transferred to prison’s infirmary.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Nekounam has been transferred to infirmary in Saheli prison, in Qom since February 24.

A source close to this imprisoned ill cleric, with announcing this news, told HRANA’s reporter: “Forensic of Qom city, for the third time has voted on Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Nekounam, a Shiite Marja’s inability to endure the imprisonment, on February 25, and previously, the forensic of Tehran city had voted 2 times on his inability.”

Earlier, HRANA had reported that doctors treating him have informed the relevant authorities of the risk of his further stroke and coma.

Also during the recent last weeks, Amnesty International issued an urgent action and demanded an investigation into the situation of Ayatollah Nekounam, in Saheli prison, in Qom.

Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Nekonam, Shiite Marja and dissident cleric, was held in Qom prison with a sentence of 5 years imprisonment. After about 18 months imprisonment on June 23, he was transferred from prison to his home, but after a short time he was arrested at his home, on July 7, and again was transferred to Saheli prison in Qom.

In the previous reports it had not been clear if he was out of prison for furlough or on parole.In such a short time of freedom, security forces were monitoring the commuting to the house of Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Nekonam and imposed illegal restrictions on his ties and calls, although he was not in the prison.