Categories: Human rights

Marjan Davari Sentenced to Death and Transferred to Garchak Prison

HRANA News Agency – A 50-year-old researcher and translator has been sentenced to death in late January. She was transferred from women’s ward in Evin to Rey prison (Gharchak of Varamin) at the same time. One of the charges against Ms. Davari is membership in Eckankar. This verdict has recently submitted to her.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Marjan Davari, 50-year-old researcher and translator, had been arrested on September 24, 2015, after the closure of Rah-e-Marefat publisher and detention of all officials in this institute.

An informed source told HRANA’s reporter, “Rah-e-Marefat, under the direction of the head of the institute, Mr. Zargar, was a meta-physics research centre that intended to establish a university major in meta-physics in north of Iran as well; even a building was built for this purpose which has been confiscated”.

This informed source continued about the activities of Marjan Davari, “Her works were being collected and archived to be used by people who were interested in the subject for free. But they have been seized by security forces. Ms. Davari is known as a free researcher in inner-science and meta-physics.”

This source explained about the charges, “Some of the charges in this law suit are adultery, collusion against the regime, membership in Eckankar faith for some of her translations. According to these charges her sentence was issued by judge Salavati. The court session was held on October 17, 18, 19 and December 12 and 13 in branch number 15 of the revolutionary court.”

Need to be mentioned that HRANA has received a report regarding the death sentence of Mr. Zargar as well. However, this news agency is unable to confirm this news independently and is still trying to find more information about it.

Ms. Davari was born on April 24, 1966 in Tehran.

Ms. Davari finished elementary school in UK and after returning to Iran, in international Partian school. She received English translation diploma when she was 13 and continued her studies in Al-Zahra University in graphic and painting, in addition to research and translation in inner-science, eastern and western ontology.

Her published translated works include Talons of Time of Paul Twitchell, The Seeker of Phil Morimitsu and The Spiritual Exercises of ECK of Harold Klemp.

She concentrated solely on inner-science and eastern ontology and worked as one of the researchers in research and studies of meta-physics institute. In addition, she started publishing translation of books in Eshraghi school of thought in 2010.

Eckankar is a new spiritual movement that was funded in USA in 1965.