Shabtabnews – In an open letter to Volker Türk and Václav Bálek – IOPHR condemned the recent appointment of Ali Bahreini as head of the Social Forum in the Human Rights Council. The letter stated that “this appointment stands to undermine the years of effort by the Council to highlight human violations of the Iranian regime and the efforts of numerous UN Rapporteurs designated by the Council to highlight the inhuman actions of the Iranian regime against its own citizens.”
The letter after outlining a list of recent human violations of the Iranian regime stated that “such an appointment profoundly undermines the credibility of the Council and undermines its ability to effectively address human rights issues. Especially, given the numerous human rights reports written by various UN rapporteurs on the human rights issues in Iran, none of whom have even been allowed to visit Iran and see the atrocities committed by the Iranian regime for themselves.” The letter also “urged the Council to reconsider this appointment and take immediate action to address the human rights situation in Iran, as the credibility of the Human Rights Council depend on holding member states accountable for their actions and ensuring those responsible for human rights abuses are not rewarded or given prominent positions within the Council.”
For full text of the letter see below link: